Hope For A Better Future
Our Services​
Have a heart for the homeless is operated by The Valley Of Love Ministries. Provides a range of services to homeless people in Palm Beach County. Services range from emergency accommodation, supported housing, social enterprise and more. VLM appeal raises awareness and funds to put an end to homeless in Palm Beach County. Our aim is to get rough sleepers off the street. VLM raises money to go towards services which support homeless people for the long term.
Valley of Love Ministries is based in Riviera Beach, Florida. As such she has had to expand her activities to include assistance to other less fortunate residents in Riviera Beach and other contiguous cities. Some of these activities include the following:
Shelter for the homeless. (We are sheltering 60 under privileges per year and this number is growing)
Helping to locate jobs for the unemployed.
Completing online applications for residents who qualify for the Food Stamp (SNAP) and Medicaid Programs,
Provision of school supplies, food, diapers, and clothes to families that have such need,
Provision of Medical and legal support to families in need,
Providing spiritual support to families through prayer and a weekly radio Ministry.
7. Kingdom Citizenship classes-to bring in individuals hopelessness empowerment. Buy the knowledge of who God said they are, the Kingdom citizenship classes-design to promote the client from hopelessness to kingdom empowerment. Classes are held once a week.
8. The Lion of the tribe of Judah-entrepreuneurial leadership classes, teaching basic business principal, and developing management skills mentor-ship programs-candidate are mentor by buisness owners in the community’s they begin their own ventures.
9. Solomon business mentor ship program leadership classes business owners in the community providing wisdom to our candidate are they embark upon developing individuals entrepreuneurial ventures.
At Valley of Love Ministries, we value everyone's time. For those of you would like to support us in the upkeeping of our community, we are currently in need of volunteers to assist with the following: cleaning, and food distrubution.
Were always searching for ideas to fundraise. Fundraising is what keep our ministry going. We need your support.
In Person
Our office opens from the hours of 8 a.m to 5 p.m Monday thru Friday.
1744 45th Street,
West Palm Beach, Fl 33407
We appreciate all that you do. Feel free to give what your heart desire.
Over the Phone
You can alway reach us over the phone and someone in our office would be glad to assist you.
By Email
Reach us by email. Someone will get in touch with you right away.